Kubernetes security that gives a damn about developers, so it works in the real world.

Trusted by world-class leaders
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You don't need Otterize for least-privilege, zero-trust or compliance.

Just block everything and you're done. Unfortunately, reality isn't so simple.
Access is required, but insecure access is a disaster waiting to happen.

See how Otterize can automate


Zero-config network mapping

Instantly see traffic from/to the Internet, in a cluster, and even between clusters and cloud resources, like S3 buckets.

Zero configuration required. Works with any CNI, on any cloud. Uses less resources than Cilium.

services connections illustration

Hate policies? So do we. Automate them and get a move on.

Otterize generates least-privilege ClientIntents based on your traffic, and submits a PR to GitHub. Or GitLab :-)

ClientIntents are an open-source Kubernetes CRD that describes the required permissions for a workload to function, similar to an iOS/Android app manifest. They are used to determine which policies, like network policies, AWS IAM policies, database users and SQL GRANTs, should be created for the workload.

intents file pull request

Security and Compliance teams, we've got you too.

CIEM, DSPM capabilities, PCI compliance, or just good ol' least-privilege or zero-trust?

Otterize automatically validates and fixes issues for you, in Git, and creates reports for auditing. Developers love it, because it eliminates a lot of work and friction.

yaml file illustration
Resource Library

Read blogs by Otis, run self-paced labs that teach you how to use Otterize in your browser, or read mentions of Otterize in the media.

  • Kubernetes
  • Zero-trust
  • IBAC
  • Automation
  • Startups
  • Podcasts
  • Network Policy
  • PCI
Dec 11 2024
First Person Platform E04 - Ian Evans on security as an enabler for financial institutions

The fourth episode of First Person Platform, a podcast: platform engineers and security practitioners nerd out with Ori Shoshan on access controls, Kubernetes, and platform engineering.

    Oct 31 2024
    Kubernetes Liveness Probe Failed: Connection Refused

      Oct 24 2024
      DNS Resolution Failure in Kubernetes? Network Policies Might Be the Culprit!

      K8s Security that doesn't suck.

      ā€œI showed the YAML to the team and everyone got it right away" -Director of Platform, large media company